The Institute of Chartered Finance Professionals, USA is legally recognized by the Laws of the Great State of the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA. The Institute is recognized by the Internal Revenue Code.

The apex governing authority of the Institute is vested on the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors consist of the:
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer.

The President is the chair of the Board of Directors which presides at all regularly scheduled board meetings in the following order: vice president, secretary and the treasurer.

The Vice President chairs committees on special subject as designated by the board.

The Secretary keep records of board actions, including taking minutes at all board meetings, sending out meeting announcements, distributing copies of minutes and the agenda to each board member, and maintaining corporate records

The Treasurer keep and maintain an accurate accounting of the Organization’s assets, properties and transactions. The Treasurer is the finance committee chair, assists in the preparation of the budget, develops fundraising plans, and make financial information available.

The Board of Directors may create committees as needed to fulfill its functions. The board chair appoints all committee chairs.

Executive committee has the power and authority vested on them by the board of directors and is subject to the direction and control of the full board. The board must meet as needed to fulfill any tasks assigned by the board.

The Finance Committee is chaired by the treasurer which includes three other board members. The finance committee is responsible for developing and reviewing fiscal procedures, fundraising plans, and the annual budget with staff and other board members. The board must approved the budget and all expenditures must be within the budget. The Organization’s fiscal year is the calendar year.

Executive Director may be hired by the board of directors. The executive director is responsible for the Organization’s daily activities, including carrying out the Organization’s goals and policies. The executive director must attend all the board meetings, report on the Organization’s progress and carry out the duties described in the description. The board can also assign other duties to the executive director.