
The Institute of Chartered Finance Professionals USA have eight classes of membership.

Student Membership (CSFP): The Student Membership is for any person enrolled in the ICFP, USA member program and such person is for the purpose of ascertaining the professional designation of either GCFP or ACFP

Graduate Membership (GCFP): Graduate Membership is for any person who newly graduated from tertiary institutions with Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent. Such person has either no working experience or working experience less than 1 year.

On the completion of the training for Graduate Membership and passing the required examinations and on the approval of the Board of Membership, shall become a Graduate Member and be granted the right to use the designation of Graduate Chartered Finance Professional, GCFP.

The total fee for Graduate Membership is $400.00. Graduate Membership fee is $350.00 while $50.00 for Registration fee.

Associate Membership (ACFP): Associate Membership must hold a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent. The person must have working experience of above 1 year but less than 5 years either in any area of finance.

On the completion of the training for Associate Membership and passing the required examinations and on the approval of the Board of Membership, shall become an Associate Member and be granted the right to use the designation of Associate Chartered Finance Professional, ACFP.

The total fee for Associate Membership is $500.00. Associate Membership fee is $400.00 while $100.00 for Registration fee.

Full Membership (CFP): A person seeking for Full Membership of the ICFP, USA must hold the designation of Associate Chartered Finance Professional ACFP for a minimum of 2 years and also attended the Professional Continuous Development Training for a minimum of 3 times.

Upon satisfaction of the requirements of Full Membership and on the approval of the Board of Membership, shall be granted the right to use the designation of Chartered Finance Professional, CFP.

The total fee for Full Membership is $600.00. Full Membership fee is $500.00 while $100.00 for Registration fee.

Fellow Membership (FCFP): A person seeking for Fellow Membership must either be a Full Member of ICFP, USA or occupy top managerial position and has working experience of 15 years and above in any related areas of finance.

Upon satisfaction of the requirements of Fellow Membership and on the approval of the Board of Membership, such person shall be granted the right to use the designation of Fellow Chartered Finance Professional, FCFP.

The total fee for Fellow Membership is $700.00. Fellow Membership fee is $600.00 while $100.00 for Registration fee.

Doctor Fellow Membership (Dr. FCFP): A person seeking membership as a Doctor Fellow Membership of ICFP, USA must either be a Full Member of the ICFP, USA or has a high professional standing and occupy senior managerial position. Such person must have working experience of 18 years and above in any related areas of finance.

Upon satisfaction of the requirements of Doctor Fellow Membership and on the approval of the Board of Membership, such person shall be granted the right to use the designation of Doctor Fellow Chartered Finance Professional, Dr. FCFP.

The total fee for Doctor Fellow Membership is $800.00. Doctor Fellow Membership fee is $700.00 while $100.00 for Registration fee.

Corporate Membership: Corporate Membership of the Institute of Chartered Finance Professionals, USA is open to corporate organizations. Corporate bodies once conferred with corporate membership can sponsor their employees on a discount rate.

Upon satisfaction of the requirements of Corporate Membership and on the approval of the Board of Membership, shall be confer with Corporate Membership in Finance.

The fee for Corporate Membership is $900.00.

Honorary Fellow Membership (Hon. FCFP): The Institute of Chartered Finance Professionals, USA shall on merit confer Honorary Fellow Membership to individuals that have immensely contributed to the growth and development of their organizations or any sector.

Upon satisfaction of the requirements of Honorary Fellow Membership and on the approval of the Board of Membership, such

individual has the right to use the designation of Honorary Fellow Chartered Finance Professional, Hon. FCFP.

The fee for Honorary Fellow Membership is $700.00.